This issue does not occur when you click the shortcut from the Favorites button on the toolbar in Internet Explorer 8. The Favorites folder refers to the %userprofile%\Favorites folder. In this situation, your homepage is displayed in the new Internet Explorer window instead of the specified URL. However, this shortcut does not work correctly when you click the shortcut under the Favorites menu on the menu bar in Windows Explorer. This shortcut opens a specified URL in a new Internet Explorer window. You create a shortcut (.lnk file) for Windows Internet Explorer in the Favorites folder. The same IE11 apps and sites you use today can open in Microsoft Edge with Internet Explorer mode. The icon on the window's status bar won't work unless you create your own.Note: The Internet Explorer 11 desktop application will be retired and go out of support on J(for a list of what's in scope, see the FAQ). Just save it as whatever.hta and double click the icon. I can share a cooking related one (in Swedish). I just use one of the old ones as a template when I want to create a new one. The HTAs can stay open as long as I need them, be minimizes and so on. Previously I used my text editor's own info windows which are modal, so I had to click them away to be able to continue typing. I have list of things I may need to look up, say reserved words in JS. I use it for modeless info windows that I can run from my text editor. I actually use HTA quite a lot, even if I haven't tried to learn anything more about it in decade. I don't find the MS page that actually explained it so I understood it back then, but here's what Wikipedia says. HTA doesn't really run in IE locally not the normal way anyway. IIRC HTA can be run from the web, but only in IE.